Fortress Poenari also known as Castle Poenari, (IPA: / po.ǐe. 'nar ʲ /)) is a fortress built in Romania in Argeş County, overlooking the canyon carved by the river Argeş .
was erected in the thirteenth century during the reign of Wallachia and became in the fourteenth century, the most important castle the family of Basarabidi . A few decades the castle was abandoned and poured into disrepair until the fifteenth century, when it was salvaged and strengthened by Vlad III of Wallachia . Following the death of Vlad III, 1476, the castle was abandoned again.
now be reached by climbing a stairway of 1,500 steps.
now be reached by climbing a stairway of 1,500 steps.
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aerial view of the convent |
Montesanto The Convent was built as a fortress against the assaults citizens of Orvieto.
The land was donated by Good, abbot of S. Fortunato in Todi. In the same year, Gregory IX suppressed the Abbey of St. Leucio, adjacent to St. Fortunato, donated to the Monastery of the vast wealth of Montesanto quell'abbazia, and the church and the buildings passed to the Dominicans, who remained there until 1371, when the entire complex was torn down to build the fortress. In ancient times the place was known as "Mascara Mountain", meaning "Mount of the Spirits" ("male", according to experts, means "witch", "larva", "spirit").
the square is a magnificent lime tree which is said to have been planted in 1426 on the occasion of the coming of San Bernardino. Inside is a fifteenth century church contains a number of wooden statues and paintings, among them to see the wonderful frescoes by Alfani depicting the Nativity and Saints Anthony Abbot and Anthony of Padua.
An imposing complex, originally fortified, here was this altar the Coronation of the Virgin of Spain, now in the Museo Civico. On the slopes of the Hill, in loc. Oven was discovered in 1835 the bronze statue of Mars of Todi, now the Vatican Museums.
the square is a magnificent lime tree which is said to have been planted in 1426 on the occasion of the coming of San Bernardino. Inside is a fifteenth century church contains a number of wooden statues and paintings, among them to see the wonderful frescoes by Alfani depicting the Nativity and Saints Anthony Abbot and Anthony of Padua.
An imposing complex, originally fortified, here was this altar the Coronation of the Virgin of Spain, now in the Museo Civico. On the slopes of the Hill, in loc. Oven was discovered in 1835 the bronze statue of Mars of Todi, now the Vatican Museums.
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emblem of the city of Verona - New Jersey |
Verona and several neighboring towns were originally a city known as the Horseneck Tract. In 1702, a group of settlers left Newark bought a large part of the territory north-west of their hometown for the equivalent of a few hundred dollars from the Lenni Lenape Native Americans.
Verona is a town in Essex County, New Jersey, United States. According to the 2000 U.S. census, the city population was 13,533, making it the 181-th most populous municipality in New Jersey (out of 566 statewide)
In 2008, the New Jersey Monthly magazine ranked Verona , 1st in the county of Essex and 3rd in New Jersey as "the first places to live in New Jersey."
In 2008, the New Jersey Monthly magazine ranked Verona , 1st in the county of Essex and 3rd in New Jersey as "the first places to live in New Jersey."
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City of Bangor |
Bangor is a city in the United States of America , capital of Penobscot County in the state of Maine .
Bangor is a major city in the state, located in the center, not far from the Atlantic coast . Many cities in the world bear the same name, some of which are in the United States itself.
Bangor, lying mostly on the left side of the Penobscot River , has a great historical legacy. With its casino, the international airport and the industries acts as a magnet for all Maine and even in some areas by southeastern Canada. Its population amounts to 31,853 inhabitants (2007 ), and the entire metropolitan area, Greater Bangor, has a population of 140 000 population. Bangor indeed benefits from its geographical location: halfway between the coast and the rapids of the river, very close to the Maritime Provinces of Canada, surrounded by woods, Bangor has therefore developed a significant timber industry and shipbuilding, in recent decades, accompanied by a vibrant service sector.
Among the popular characters the famous author Stephen King lived for a long time in this city.
After graduating in 1970, he obtained the certificate for teaching in secondary schools for about a year but was forced to perform different occupations (gas stations, street sweeper, librarian and clerk in an industrial laundry in Bangor, arriving at his own say to a step from the lower echelons of society).
Bangor is a city in the United States of America , capital of Penobscot County in the state of Maine .
Bangor is a major city in the state, located in the center, not far from the Atlantic coast . Many cities in the world bear the same name, some of which are in the United States itself.
Bangor, lying mostly on the left side of the Penobscot River , has a great historical legacy. With its casino, the international airport and the industries acts as a magnet for all Maine and even in some areas by southeastern Canada. Its population amounts to 31,853 inhabitants (2007 ), and the entire metropolitan area, Greater Bangor, has a population of 140 000 population. Bangor indeed benefits from its geographical location: halfway between the coast and the rapids of the river, very close to the Maritime Provinces of Canada, surrounded by woods, Bangor has therefore developed a significant timber industry and shipbuilding, in recent decades, accompanied by a vibrant service sector.
After graduating in 1970, he obtained the certificate for teaching in secondary schools for about a year but was forced to perform different occupations (gas stations, street sweeper, librarian and clerk in an industrial laundry in Bangor, arriving at his own say to a step from the lower echelons of society).
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head of the statue of Constantine the Great |
Constantine the Great
Flavius \u200b\u200bValerius Constantine, also known as Constantine the Great and Constantine (Flavius \u200b\u200bValerius Constantinus) was Roman Emperor from 306 until his death. Constantine is one of the most important figures of the Roman Empire since the reformed wide and it marks the beginning of the alliance with the Christian Church that characterized the last two centuries of its history in the West and the remaining ten centuries in the East.
is considered holy, "similar to the Apostles" from the Eastern Orthodox Church and some Eastern Catholic Churches. His name is not present in Martyrologium Romanum, the official catalog of saints recognized by the Catholic Church, although in Italy remains a residual of Byzantine worship, as the feast of Ardia Sedilo in Sardinia and other minor claims in various places in Sicily .
In hoc signo vinces: Latin phrase, meaning literally: "With this sign you will win," translation greek "τούτῳ νὶκα" (literally: "with this win"). The appearance of this written in the sky next to a cross would be one of the miraculous signs that would precede the battle of Ponte Milvio. Since the Renaissance, the episode appears widely in Christian iconography.
For most of his life had been a pagan worshiper of the sun god. In 313 AD he issued the Edict of Milan which granted freedom of worship to Christians and in 325 summoned the Council of Nicaea to end the dispute sull'arianesimo religious sects and then rising. In the board were summarized the necessary basis for the definition of being Christian. These were already in existence, but to counter the theological and spiritual confusion, it was decided to summarize in CREDO. The Emperor Constantine, following the historic transition (and large in terms of time) from paganism to Christianity, had assumed the form of pontifex maximus. In this transition period, the Chi-Ro symbol consists of the letters XP (which are the first two Greek letters of the word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ that "Christos") was drawn everywhere. What is curious is the fact that in the processions parading figures of the four evangelists accompanied by a painting of the Emperor. This practice was then contrasted as with his successors started a real struggle to images and icons. With this cultural battle Constantine V was accentuated with the Council of Hier, in 754 AD, when the ban was approved image worship.
Son of Charles and Marguerite Baudin, belonged to a wealthy bourgeois family of merchants of Orleans.
On 13 May 1743 he began his novitiate at the abbey of Saint-Florent Maurina le Jeune of Saumur: he made his solemn vows on May 14, 1734 and in 1752 he was ordained.
he held several positions within the order: he was professor of theology and philosophy for the novices, Prior of the monastery of Saint-Vincent du Mans (1766-1772) and Notre-Dame-de-Noyers to Nouâtre (1774-1775), provincial visitor of Toulouse (1772) and Britain (1781).
In 1783 he was unanimously elected superior general of the congregation and moved to the ' abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Paris .
When, in 1790, the '' National Constituent Assembly ordered the suppression of all monasteries in France, Chevreux said the commissioners of the municipality Paris wants to continue the religious life (May 9, 1790): After the seizure of Saint-Germain-des-Prés retired with other brothers in the abbey of Saint-Denis, but on August 29, 1792, proanthocyanidins refused to swear allegiance the Republic, was arrested and imprisoned in the former convent of the Carmine in Paris. On 2 September after his brother was lynched forty as a partisan of the king.
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