Saturday Eubelie accompanies me on the highway.
We salute you with a goodbye. Perhaps Tolouse.
And a long time thanks for taking care of me.
I walk a few feet and do not time to raise the thumb that I find myself in the van of Jean, a young man in his forties who is going towards Privas.
Li knows a little close forest where there are lots of blocks to climb. "Have you ever climbed?" he asks. "No".
"Then you must try it, you have to be trained for nature."
The wood is really nice. There is a silence that I was missing. And then there are these blocks of natural stone is just waiting to be climbed with respect.
Jean is a semi professional and fast climb high blocks.
I feel for a good half hour, until the lactic acid comes disruptive and makes a gesture so exhausting day as tie his shoes! (Here, the usual softened ...).
I take this opportunity to shoot a little video camera with Jean, it's nice to see the man dominate those boulders.
been two Oretta. Back on the road that goes to Aubenas.
Jean offers me a beer in a cafe in the village and from there continue to be alone with my Thumb.
He stops just a nice-looking guy with a flashy car to say the least, and offers me a ride to Aubenas. A piece of luck, it starts to get late and I do not know yet where to sleep.
Once in the city told me: "I make this committee and then, if you have not found Steps to a forest nearby, I'll try and put together a for you. "
said than done.
After his commission back, and brings me up to Vogue, where there is a beautiful river.
Hello. And thank you.
I enter . But now I have a negative feeling.
I do not see, but hidden behind a bush I see a man.
seems intent to pray, but from here I do not understand and I do not want to get closer.
I move a little further on, but that feeling bad does not go away.
It 's late, I'm tired ... but remit the backpack on his shoulders and back on the road.
I know not have much hope because at this step is not much, but as I learned Barbara, who does not risk anything you will not get anything.
The first passing car stops.
It 's a couple of young boys. Are from Lyon.
They're going to dinner at a restaurant Balazuc, a medieval village seven miles from there.
leave me with this promise: "If you find a niche for good, if not come to the restaurant later we seek it in the car together. "
soon dropped to Balazuc feel my body calm down. I understand now to be at secure. And in the right place.
's River.
go toward him. I find a corner of the desert.
There's just me, the sky full of stars and the River.
not even open the curtain, I want to stay in contact with the earth.
water rocks me. And I began to sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
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