Mr Mario Calabresi's article can be viewed by clicking here
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Reverend Terry Jones |
read on article on-line and written by you need to express my opinion about it. Knowing your back-ground from the corresponding United States have followed with interest your daily life since you took the same direction some time ago. That, however, that
wrote I did not like. Or rather do not share his initial part while I understand the reason for that outsource. The Baptist in question indicates that you are citing it as "idiot" has certainly given a 'crazy idea as to shock the public but the rest of these characters, to have a little' a reputation, often go up on the "pulpit" of the scandal to make news and hoarding and faithful followers. Last but not least the director of dubious ability, Michael Moore,
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Michael Moore |
There would be other characters in the same way that our own are able to succeed. Our nation is home to these unfortunate individuals who have become national heroes while not having any capacity to be (Big Brother docet).
Analyzing the situation by broader views the action of the Baptist minister is a breaking point, just as the social context of the '68, between the old and the new way of seeing. A kind of outlet where the company is compressed by a religion that has proved intolerant. If it were otherwise does not explain the death threats that many journalists have been (in some places and some were executed by decapitation) plus other hostilities that occur but, if strange, do not ever highlighted becoming a pure statistical .
The Rev. Terry Jones is a result of a reaction of the West than in front of the teachings of the type
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Islamic manifestation Milan |
"Where in the name of Islam demolish the symbols of the West will build a mosque in their place by exploiting the weakness and stupidity of the enemy, as taught to us by the prophet" is pushing for rid of the car where the authorities do nothing to balance on the situation.
in Italy who threw the crucifix from the windows as they would call Mr. Calabresi? A wise? Or ruined by politics that young people set fire to trash bins and in the name of freedom of expression "throw tear gas as they could be defined?
We as civilized people we can not put "their" level. This means that the incivility in 'killing several of thought and set fire to churches relegates these individuals in danger, and then kept under control. E 'unthinkable that there could be reactions: leave it at that would create the "spoiled child syndrome" in which nothing forbidden and everything is due. Also block the streets and squares.
President Obama has proved incapable of handling this situation as an intervention could soften the hearts simply calling the move a few blocks away the mood of the building and would definitely calmed. The problem of construction of the mysterious Mosque which were kept hidden supporters countries would be solved before this escalation of events. And of course the angry of the two factions would not have had any reason to exist.
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anti-Obama Campaign |
The Democratic administration has failed: it has thrown gasoline on the fire and the Americans will not forgive so that the public is opposed to the project 's 80 % of the American electorate. And I think Americans would know who to give the 'Idiot' at this time.
New York Post: "He speaks well, always in favor of political correctness, then Razzola evil, is a coward who lacks the courage to face tens of thousands of New Yorkers and Americans would have protested and booed heavily at Ground Zero for its output always in favor of Islam, as the last to give the go-ahead to a new mosque where a short walk ten Muslim fanatics have killed nearly three thousand innocent Americans. "
Daily News: "It is perched at the White House, surrounded himself with liberals like him and speaks only where the public is the friend, at Ground Zero would have been flooded with protests and whistles: a direct and democratic protest the vast majority of Americans are tired and disappointed of his failed economic policies and its outputs politically correct that only like the left-wing intellectuals and liberals like him
So Mr. Calabresi support his desire to reflect on the event but , compared to what happens in the world today, I think the insane ( a curious news ) which are far more dangerous look pastor Terry Jones.
Alessandro Tesio
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