Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pramin Do Anything Good

Jo is magical

Tengo Jo tight in my memories.
E 'carved them, and nobody can move it from the best matches I've ever done in my life .

haunts him a huge beam of light.
From morning to evening. Since
gets up early to come to greet me and offer me a coffee before the start when it crosses the field under a heavy rain to come and ask me if I want to join an aperitif that is being done on his truck with Morgan.

Jo does nothing to chance.
Every time he speaks, every time he takes a sip every time you cut a pepper for ratatouille, do so because it is aware.
Jo is always beautiful to watch.
Potresri keep up next week and will continue to be enchanted in front of every small gesture.

When I climbed on the rocks high to plunge into the river waiting for me ever.
Make calmly "Mate," and when you arrive if you do not feel I can show you how to get back.
If I think of him think of a star that shines in the midst of an immense quiet, which is also listening and respect.

few years ago worked as a guide for elementary school children in nature.
showed them the stone that had dominated the mountains of Britain.
Then they left at home.
Then he took a small van. With a bit of wood and lovingly transformed it into the house.
It has taken some time.

No one can be jealous of Jo. Jo inspires.
Delicacy deep.


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