Thursday, February 24, 2011

Were To Buy Little Pet Shop Car

My friends ..!

Hello friends!
(I changed the kind of writing ... do you like?)
Unfortunately yesterday for problemini connection, I could not write ... sorry!
How are you? I hope all is well!
Today I want to talk about a topic a little strange ... but I do not know, I want to talk about .. XD
I was thinking, earlier, it is nice to meet new people ... you never think of that? Every person is a world of discovery, a story to read, a universe to explore ... and then, happen to find those people who, by the will of fate, you know ... and you fall in love, making them part of your quotidiniaetà of your being.
I'm talking, of course, friends, the backbone of the life of any person.
A friend is the most precious gift we can receive ... it is true the proverb "He who finds a friend finds a treasure."
Well .. as for me, I love my friends, few but good as they say ... .. very good indeed!
Most of the friends I have are girls, which I'm not sorry for anything, in fact, help me to better understand the complicated world of women XD
Friends are the people with whom you spend your time, with shared joys and sorrows, evmomenti serious moments of pure madness! How do I combine many ... we combined!
Some of them I know as a child, others I had the pleasure to meet them during the journey of my life, I've lost others, because by now far from my way of seeing things and others are rediscovering ...!
And even if, sometimes, it happens not to get along, just a healthy discussion, a nice outlet, and passes all friends as before, more than ever!
But the most important thing is only one: be yourself.
because a friend is not conquered with something you do not belongs, as a character that does not suit you, or false promises, but you get the simplicity, with the genuineness of a relationship.
Friendship is the most beautiful sentiment that humans can hear.
And I'm lucky to have you, yes, your little friends of mine, because I find in you the essence of my days.
I love you!
Well, after that time worthy of the stories of "You've Got Mail" (XD) I want to know ... what is friendship for you?! Raccontatemelo in comments and always remember to vote in the poll on your favorite singer!
Until next time ... Stories and notes with!
PS In the picture we're all a little ... no!? XD


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