Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Resin Flower Cabochons In Bulk

The Talent of the week! Christian De Sica!

Hello friends!
Today is Wednesday, so ... .. and talent of the week!
And one of my personal myths which I will talk about today: Christian De Sica. Son of art, is an actor, director, scneggiatore, voice actor .. well, a real talent!
I love Christian, but also for his sympathy, his being bright and intelligent, a passion that I share with him: Frank Sinatra! And 'when she sings and acts in spectacular style 50 years in "The Clan", a film of 2005!
Speaking of Christian De Sica you can not help but talk about cinepanettoni, that attention may like as not, but the talent is undisputed and the comedy of the National Christian in these films!
Not to mention the advertising they see Tim Christian, along with Belen Rodriguez, the protagonist: that laugh!
Funny, histrionic, brilliant ... what more can you say except this!
I want also to remember his great father Vittorio, that I am always grateful for such masterpieces as "The Bicycle Thief" or "Marriage Italian Style".
Well guys, after having presented my favorite actor, it's time to say goodbye. Tomorrow, unfortunately I can not write because I am in a school trip to Catania in an exhibition of Modigliani.
We feel so tomorrow!
e. A hug. Stay Tuned!
ps I leave you a video showing a scene from "The Clan" .. enjoy!


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