Today I asked the third part of my fan fiction "Pokemon Soul"
We arrived at the crucial moment, and our hero Romeo today meet Ho-oh!
Anyway guys on TV started in the meantime the Sanremo festival ... we'll talk about it in the next few days, when we tasted the best songs in the race!
e. A hug. Stay Tuned!
- The Majestic Phoenix-
(Chapter 3)
"It is heading towards the sharp peaks," said Mike, we need to do something, and IN-CON-EC-PI- BI-LE Riverpool that one can overcome one of us and ... "" That Romeo is stronger than expected, not sottovalutiamolo, remember, beat Mike with one shot, "interrupted Belle. Katrine looked confused others, "we must achieve it, and stop it, can not happen something like this ..." added August.
So the super four, having prepared well, they faced the long journey to arrive at the sharp peaks.
This mountain is about 4 hours to get to and from Ridley had to go through several mountain passes, including the complex of "crystal mountain".
These mountains were named for the numerous crystal mines that were protected by different types of Pokemon. While
August, Belle, Katrine and Mike traveled, Romeo had arrived.
flew over the mountains Crystal with his fierce Pidgeot, a specimen was not so impressive but easy to train.
had been attacked by many Glaceon that from the highest peaks out rays freezing, but despite everything arrived safe and sound. Dropped from Pidgeot, thanked him and retired to his pokeball.
Romeo was cold and he realized that soon would burst a snowstorm, walked slow, uncertain steps, and sometimes fell into a hole somewhere hiding from the snow. Some small snorut panicked at the sight of the boy, he giggled and continued undeterred the pursuit of magical creature.

The boy took off his raincoat, as she wore a black turtleneck sweater, but the heat became so unbearable that Romeo did not tolerate even that.
While his eyes sought the great phoenix Romeo was blinded by a bright light and warm, and resounded in the air an unlistenable squeal: Ho-Oh was in front of him.
With great speed Romeo Nidoking sent into the field and told him to stick with a SolarBeam, but obeyed the Pokemon Ho-Oh was enough to turn off a flutter of wings that ray so powerful. Ho-Oh was furious, Romeo saw the difficult situation but was not afraid and shouted with great courage to Nidoking to launch a powerful centripugno. Nidoking rushed immediately to the legendary pokemon but the latter, with a swirl of flames, trapping the mighty Pokemon severely scalding. Nidoking was exhausted. Romeo, however, gave no breakdown of air and threw another pokeball immediately: it was time for lickylicky to fight. Romeo lickylicky ordered to attack and thus fat rolling pink Pokemon began to roll when you buy an incredible rate so that Ho-Oh did not notice. So the sign went to attack Romeo. The Phoenix uttered a cry of pain chilling Romeo and laughed for joy. The fight lasted for a few minutes to storm the field when the jeep was driven by the super 4.
"going on here?" Asked Mike.
"Shut up, I am doing what you have never done, I'm catching Ho-Oh!"
The cries of the men bothered much Ho-Oh so who launched a violent flame throwers on the machine that instantly caught fire. Fortunately all the passengers were dropped a moment before.
The land was on fire, lickylicky felt dreadfully hot but he, like his coach, he never gave up easily.
The fight lasted for several minutes. Lickylicky not resist anymore, so he sent in the field Romeo Pidgeot: it heralded a clash at high altitudes. The two birds began to peck at one another and embark screams of defiance, all accompanied by the legendary beast, the fire that emanated continuously.
Romeo but this time was in crisis: he did not know what to do.
4 while I watched the super fight air stunned and amazed by the power of the two Pokemon.
Ho-Oh was too tired and sometimes showed signs of slowing, and even lasted a few moments, rekindle hope in Romeo.
"force Pidgeot, Steel Wing!" Shouted the boy. Attack useless, Ho-Oh with the dodged easily.
In a move to mixed-Oh wind and fire I was able to annihilate Pidgeot. To the delight the legendary pokemon launched fierce tongues of fire that also came to pierce the clouds of heaven.
Those flames were destroying all that stands in their path. Suddenly, Ho-Oh, weary from the struggle, came to rest on the ground with such violence as to cause a landslide.
"Be careful," cried Romeo, a rock was falling on him in Belle. He could not move: he freaked out.
Romeo racing as he had never done in his life and with all the forces that had remained in his body drove the girl who was saved by rock.
"whispered Belle-g ... thank-you saved my life"
The two boys were on the ground, they embraced and hugged.
"I am here to keep you, but you be careful ok?"
"Thanks again, you are ... really nice ..."
Something body was in that moment between those two, something strong, intense but straightforward: The body was LOVE.
Meanwhile Ho-Oh, weary from a long battle, and took off with a bloodcurdling scream greeted the contestants.
Romeo and Belle never left each other, the spark was now broke!
Around them the desert was getting cold again, everything was burnt and had become snorut long gone.
Just three other coaches saw Romeo and Belle rushed to separate them and, while Belle was brought back in to Staraptor Mike, Romeo watched the scene silently.
This was an impossible love: two different cities, rivals in every way, two completely opposite ways of life ... but in the meantime something was born .... TO BE CONTINUED!
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