Hi, guys saved! Here I am after taking posesso of my beloved computer. Today I want to talk, to tell you (oo) of one of my obsessions, passions er ... Vampires! This passion is born after you have read and seen Dracula by Bram Stoker's book: engaging, really bloody good. The latter speaks of the "real" vampire legends, how they behave, what it ate, etc. .. Let's say that after this movie came out about 80 years', the vampires had a reputation for periodino of time which, unfortunately, as time has gone.
But here we are, year 2011''The Vampires Come Back!
In recent times, have been submitted films and movies projected on them, such as The Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, etc. ..
In my opinion they are all very nice but will never exceed the original movie! For example
Twilight, vampires are pretty good as people, where everything is all right, the other two are less mawkish and more bloody (mmmm: P) I like it.
I to tell the truth I followed them all, and now I pubblicatoquesto post because I wanted to know what you think. So just finished the survey of talent, how about voting your favorite movie or TV series on Vampires dear?
PS: I hope not to have bored you, and forgive me if there are errors but the time of this writing affects my grammar and talking XDXD!
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