Saturday, October 16, 2010

Brazilian Wax For Men In San Luis Obispo

A slice of tortilla in the hat (but not in the hat)

One day I open my mail on gmail.

Hello! Watch
I read with pleasure your super blog ... woke up this morning when m sn ... well, 'till now ... congratulations!
How I envy you, I too I'd like to organize things so well to say, have the desire and commitment to put me to tell ...
I also love traveling, and I like that you define a "traveler" ... eh ... I lived in Lyon for a year ... enchanted me too ... really a lot ... and I can not go back any more or less two or three months ... magic is forever ...
Unfortunately, in the days that you asked me hospitality is a friend of mine to see me ... then I will have no place ... But really, I'd like to meet you ... listen to your music, let a chocolate brioche, or, rather, a slice of tortillas here, in the hat.
If you can find a place to stay where we can feel for a ride in the center, or if I want to invite you for dinner here.
Have we feel, good for your search suerte ..
And for your life!

are in Montpellier when I receive this e-mail. And I can hardly believe how much it makes me happy.
Knowing that somehow came into the life of a person hitherto alien makes me proud of myself.
Proud of care, commitment, dedication, consistency, and (sometimes) the courage I put in my blog, my films, every day.
's why when you arrive in Barcelona seeing becomes the most natural thing. As if we had known for some time.
one evening to go to dinner with some friends. The other
to spend some time on his terrace to talk about our lives, and eat a tortilla with her friend Helen.
A slice of tortilla, as I had promised.
Although we did without the hat.

The genuineness, naturalness, the spontaneity of those moments, I think, will lead to something special.
In fact it is so '.
few days later there greeted me writes Giulia.

her "how I envy you, even I would be able to organize so good things to say, have the desire and commitment to put myself to tell .. "the first e-mail, it becomes a"
I did it! :-)".
The final push came. Julia has opened her own blog.
And I'm happy. For me. And for you.


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