Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flightsimulator X Serienummer 2010

Thanks ....!

I find myself writing these four lines after a very intense day, that made me understand that they are important to someone, that someone appreciates me for who I am ...
Sometimes I receive a phone call from people I care so much, tantoooooooo.
One family, three people who have given so much for 2 years now, the family that will help me fulfill my dream of living in Rome, a family that I met through my job as an animator ..
A family that has a little girl, sweet as honey, which hides a brilliant character and tuff!
I would very much to my "Lucappiotta" (It's adorable when the word crippled wolves XD) and she, them, hold dear to me. And today, after that phone call full of joy and affection, I've had yet another test.
Yet another because they have done so much for me: I have hosted in their home, thus helping to fulfill a dream I had as a child ... to visit the capital!
But this is one of the many emotions that I felt with them the joy of feeling loved by people who had never met before, people who know me for who they really are!
To them I dedicate this post, with the hope that the realization of all the their dreams and live a happy and fulfilling life!
Alexander, Barbara, Flavia ... I love you!
Stay Tuned ... with "Tales & Notes"


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