Finally, after a harrowing week I write a bit 'on the Blog! The only words
I would have to say: STRESS! OH, YEAH! STRESS! : D (D:)
Now only thanks to my beloved music I can relax a bit 'and clear your mind.
But clear your head n on by me and given the conditions I write a little 'espondendovi my thoughts on the music!
Music is art, emotion, feeling ..
There has never happened to vent your happiness or sadness in your music?
It can be seen as the best or the best friend / y to express their joy, their emotions;
helps explain what you feel!
Are you in love, sad, happy, bored, tired .. Solution? MUSIC.

You will always find a song that fits your mood, from rock to pop!
[Small aside: The only''music''which I believe can not 'be so' is defined in the house, is a mixture of tunz, causing (me!) Further headaches and anxiety!]
Sometimes music is used as a means of communication to send messages -.^'' XD, which sometimes do not reach the people want or are not perceived directly!
maaa for you What is musicae? Leave a comment and stay tuned ... Bach!
Giorgia! =)
And now, since I run out of words will post some songs!
A cover of the song by Mina, made a very good singer ù.ù!
.... then the legendary Radiohead!
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