A giant Hello everyone, boys and girls!
Today I would like to dedicate this post to my beloved Japan, I think all know what's going on out there, wounded people died, overwhelmed by what has been called the strongest tsunami occurred so far. I wanted the whole world to know what Japan and its culture or origins, and not for these disasters, so I decided to post an article here (made by me è.è for the newspaper at my school) for the Japan, in order to give you a general idea about it! : D
Japan-Manga, this is the equation to remember the old and shining realm of the Rising Sun, which today presents itself as a technological and creative empire. In fact, in our minds, instead of re-emergence from the traditional ninja black suits or seductive geisha, comes to life the fantastic and colorful cosplay, manga animated reproduction of the characters. Question arises of what are the manga. Nothing in particular, the term is simply the translation of Japanese comics! But what do you mean for comics? If you are thinking about comic usually characterized by the presence of "marveliani" masked superhero or "Disney" tremendously talking animals, you are wrong! Usually the manga or anime characters are represented in detail and are most often ordinary people (ordinary people, students ..). The most striking differences between manga and western comics you notice as you read a manga ... the last of the first page. It so happens that all our traditions are subverted into a product most extravagant and unique, into something more interesting, only to look at, either starting in the graphic and in original content and anti-conformist. The graphics vary depending on the situation. They are used for realistic drawings bloody events such as explosions on the war, or the focus is on the look of a bet protagonist, for capture every fleeting expression as a tear or an innocent smile. Several, in fact, are the topics (to tell stories set in 1800 to cast into a hypothetical future) that adapts the graphics. None imagine to find the war or the death in a cartoon, something more extravagant?
Japan, however, is not only manga but also about the music, food!
juxtaposing the two words "music" and "Japanese", one could think of a whole strange or unpleasant, but it is very catchy arrangements. In addition to traditional classical music, there are many artists who combine the texts in their original language with English choruses so 'from Westernizing their songs. Also there are varied styles in Japan from folk rock to J-pop.
Moving on to matters more delicious, we find the culinary habits of the Japanese. Japanese food is quite special and is generally considered in contrast to the West, because our meals are much heavier than their dishes based on fish (cooked and raw) and boiled rice, which do not give never an excessive sense of satiety while being very nutritious and good.
While apartment on the East, Japan during its evolution learned different cultures, so it can be defined as a westernized country. So love Japan for its contradictions that remind us of the greatness of a great empire and together propel us towards a more integrated! Sayonara.>> This article concludes posted a song by a group Nippo-Korean!