The evangelical churches and the game in the United States ... but what game?

providers plots will say well the historical existence of Jesus Christ (which records and historians of ancient pagan Rome did not).
To this is added the political hatred that is an integral type which obfuscates the true vision of things. In these conspiracy theories there is no trace of NO negative comments against dictatorial countries such as China, Iran or North Korea. You see that the 160 000 Christians who die each year are not as "spectacular" as the great 500 000 coffins hidden in Texas. The conspiracy with aliens, UFOs, and various towers autodetonate not even considered one of the possible humanity and real deception.
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Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler |
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Islamic Exhibition |
Examples of "conspiracies" real are:
- Islamisation of Europe through the occupation of holy places using the numerical advantage and demographics.
- links hidden from the world of Islamic extremist parties such as Nazism and Communism. A historical example is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1943 by visiting the Muslim SS said vehemently: " Many common interests exist between the Islamic world and the Greater Germany, which makes our partnership a natural. [ ...] The Quran says: "And you find that Jews are the worst enemies of Muslims." There are considerable similarities between Islamic principles and those of National Socialism, namely the concepts of struggle, of camaraderie, the idea of \u200b\u200bcommand and in that order. "Besides the fact that the best seller of 2005 in Turkey it was the Hitler's Mein Kampf. Ties with communism they are to be due to recent events. Introvigne The journalist, an expert on Catholic president of CESNUR, lists in his article (see full here) the risk of twinning these two restless philosophy: "In theory communists and ultra-Islamists are to each other as the devil holy water. In practice, both views with great attention to the "doctrine of Carlos." From his French life imprisonment - where some of the beautiful soul pacifist left would now like to free him if wake of Williams - the king of terrorism in the year 1970 (1.500 deaths to his name) published in 2003, "revolutionary Islam", a book where he proposes an alliance between all the terrorist organizations in the world - Marxist, separatist, Islamic - as long as hatred against the United States United States (and Israel) . "It 's interesting that this anti-American philosophy and anti-Israeli is the same as proclaimed in the various conspiracy sites on the network.
Also at these sites, generating dark mysteries, it is argued that American leadership is evangelical. This is where I do not see the oddity: it is like saying that most of the politicians and the Romanian Orthodox or that the British Prime Minister is an Anglican. Besides the fact that the brother of the "demonic" Bush is also a Catholic. These, for anyone who is a conspiracy, details are unimportant.
The allegations of the former head of the White House so frightened that they were merely those set out below during an interview with La Repubblica reported it :
"asks the reporter, Cal Thomas:" She is mocked because he " a direct line to God. "Political decisions are dictated by God?" Bush replied that "I have explained many times that prayer is a personal matter. And yes, faith and the Bible have supported me every day, prayer has strengthened me . I am a spiritual person, not a mystical "states:" No, "I hear the voices." But I know that I expected tough decisions and that is why I say that prayer is something very personal: it gives wisdom and strength, to seek protection for my family and the soldiers. " "
This of course does not justify the political mistakes of the former President but identifies its affiliation to Christianity in general. What that clearly contradicts the attitudes or satanic cultists who awarded him the political plot. statements like" the Communism has failed in its intention to oppose the materialism of capitalism because it is based on atheism, will be Islam, of which his is the vanguard of Iran, to defeat the West "announced by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989 are far more dangerous . But these sites, in plots, there is no trace.
The ritual of oath to the nation (Pledge of Allegiance) includes the famous words " One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for All . The addition of the words "Under God" and that "under God" was introduced in 1951 in Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic organization created exists in the United States since 1882. But not only: in 2004 the existing ratings of Christianity, a Protestant and Catholic factions in the U.S. supported the Republicans in the vote.
Article de La Repubblica of 4 November 2004 shows this concept with a simple chronicle of events: "[..] grew during the campaign (and was fed to art), another fear, that the religious right for the values Moral of the family walked on abortion, the gay, the permissiveness and atheism [..] The Christian Coalition of America, and with it dozens of collateral clerical organizations, youth groups as well as associations for sexual abstinence among the teen-ager, he set to work with the Sunday flyers in churches, condominium and neighborhood meetings, buses to transport the frail elderly to the polls, repeating the miracle of the Moral Majority that won him Reagan .[..] Just the Catholic John Kerry in Ohio has paid heavily for desertion of a band of Catholic voters, influenced by American bishops who threatened excommunication against Kerry for his position on ' Abortion [..]"
In conspiracy sites is emphatically declared that "the evangelical organization" at the time he had clashed in an offensive against the Catholics. It 's a clear inaccuracy because the ratings were above and Catholics are also Christians. The demonic attack against everything to do with Jesus Christ is always biased.
the issue related to support Israel so much enhanced by its discoverers occult forces is only to say one thing: the U.S. support Israel as the UAE, Saudi and Iran support the Palestinian Al-Qeida and construction of several mosques in the West highlights. The rest is part of their creed: "Where in the name of Islam knock down the symbols of the West will build a mosque in their place by exploiting the weakness and stupidity of the enemy, as taught to us by the prophet . As he had already mentioned in a previous post .
In conclusion it is clear that the plot moderm inflated with art from charlatans have alienated many fantasies from reality. It 'still the undisputed that the lobbies have always influenced the economic choices of politicians, and many countries. In fact, the slavery that binds us to the Arab world condemned us to a permissiveness that has opened the way ideological integralism religious. It 'true that banks and institutions that have a useful role in society, have been shown in several fraudulent cases and unclear with taxpayers. In many cases, ruthless.
All this without introducing theories of aliens from another galaxy: fraudulent purchase of Argentine bonds pushed by multinational corporations has led to financial bankruptcy, many unsuspecting citizens. Two notes of important banks in Italy until the day before the bankruptcy of giant Leman Bros. relied triple A (a sign of confidence in the credit) shares of the bank. I really did not know that failure would be soon? I have strong doubts about that ...
Not to mention the elevation of oil price in 2007 (coincidentally the first of the global crisis), which led into the coffers of the UAE several billion dollars. Now used to capitalize on the industry with a western banking system, it would seem, more streamlined than the current ones.
Hence, in addition to dependence on oil, banking and one might add, assuming a "new world order", the famous "brand" in this Revelation apocalyptic John (the conspiracy, given their political conditions, always attached to the United States) "could" be a condition imposed economic Islamized from western banks. Unfortunately, this would be the beginning of a future not so rosy as the main sources of power, continuing in this direction, would fall into the hands of decidedly anti-democratic ideology (an example is acid thrown into the crowd in Iran after the rigged elections in 2009). Unfortunately
a "Tomorrow" far more dangerous than chickens or reptilian cloned from McDonald to the White House is knocking at our "doors" that, apparently, are not even close.
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