GEC-Alsthom electric train MP89CA ( M aterial on P neumatic to C RIVING utomatica A) (two-way, 90 meters, 6 elements [R + M + M + M + M + R], 2800 kilowatt, 135 tons), 1997-1999 (RATP group of 21 trains) stop Pyramides, line 14 (Saint-Lazare/Olympiades) of the Metro Paris in the summer of 2007.
Meteor (MET ro E hese st-O apiD R) is a transport system automatic developed by Matra Transport International (Matra-Siemens), used on line 14, which entered service in October 1998.
details of this system is that it allows the simultaneous movement of trains to run automatically and trains run manually. This particular feature will be exploited during the transition period needed to make even the fully automatic metro line 1 in Paris.

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